Inspired by Simon Willison, I have decided to sometimes post in more targeted ways to try and reflect quick, useful things I have picked up.

This post is about how to manage the permissions of a calendar within a SOGo installation when you can’t directly access the resource from a web interface. SOGo is the default webmail interface on Mailcow, a popular docker-based self-hosted email solution.

The situation of not being able to access the resource is commonplace for non-mailbox resources created in Mailcow (e.g. a meeting room type resource).

Mailcow Access

If using Mailcow, you will need to enter the docker image first and get a command prompt there:
docker exec -it -u sogo mailcowdockerized-sogo-mailcow-1 bash


Once in a position to run the command, you can interrogate existing permissions:
sogo-tool manage-acl get Calendar/personal ALL

Calendar/personal is the default calendar, so this will be correct unless you have created other calendars under this resource (beyond the scope of this TIL).

Adding permissions

There are a range of permissions to add, made up from a combination between the following two sets: (Public, Confidential and Private) and (DandTViewer and Viewer). For example, PublicDandTViewer allows only the blocks of availability to be seen by a user for Public events; ConfidentialViewer allows the user to view all details of a Confidential event.

Once you have decided on what to apply for a user (provided in the command below as, the command uses the following format:
sogo-tool manage-acl add Calendar/personal '["PublicViewer", "ConfidentialDandTViewer"]'

Anonymous users:

sogo-tool manage-acl add Calendar/personal anonymous '["PublicDandTViewer"]'


The documentation allows the specification ALL and <default> in place of the user field; I am not currently sure of the difference and determining this is left as an excercise for the reader.

